Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First Run

Well, it is summertime once again and with the weather being as it has been, this past Saturday seemed like a good day to die. So... I dug out my running shoes and shorts and headed out to Wehrspann Lake.

I was feeling pretty good happy with myself for deciding to actually go for a run. I did a little light stretching and proceeded to hit the trail.

It didn't take long to realize that it had bee almost two years since the last time I ran. My knees and lungs were both very quick to point out that something wasn't right. However, due to the fact that I was feeling so good about myself for being there, I didn't listen to my body and decided to push through the pain.

This worked for awhile, and I was pleased that I seemed to be doing so well. As time went on, I found that I did need to do some walking and I was okay with this. I mean, after all, it had been two years and it is seven miles around the trail. Although I did end up doing a considerable amount of walking by the time I was done, I still felt pretty positive with my accomplishment.

Or at least I did.

The next day was not pleasent. I woke up with a pair of legs that did not want to do anything that I asked of them, and when they finally did do anything for me (like walking to the living room), they both did their best to make sure I was aware of their protest by sending me sharp pains each step of the way.

It is now Tuesday, and my legs are continuing to remind me that they are not happy with my decision to run again. Although I might not listen completely, I think I will definately keep their relentless remindings in mind the next time I think about heading out. After all, it is hard to feel good about yourself for getting excercise when your unable to move from the chair.