Thursday, February 16, 2012


I stated in my last post that I intended to stay focused on the goals in front of me.  However, what are those goals?  In order to be able to stay focused on them, I need to know what they are.  Therefore, I decided to take a few minutes to jot down my top short term goals.
  1. Be the best dad I can be - this is a short term goal that has a longer term goal in mind.  The longer term goal being to get full custody of my yougest two children. 
  2. Get moved and settled into the new house - This is very short term at this point as we are supposed to be taking posession in just over two weeks.  So this item definately needs some focus over the next couple of weeks, or we simply won't be ready when moving day comes.
  3. Be the best me I can be - I know, a bit generic.  However, if I focus on being the best me I can be, I feel that other things will fall in place and through this other smaller, more specific goals, can be achieved. 
By focusing on these simple things, I will accomplish things like getting in better shape, losing some weight, being nice to those around me, and who knows, maybe even get the chance to be a husband again and gain a couple step children in addition to getting full custody of my own.


There are many things and people in my past that have led me to where I am today.  However, if I I am moving forward and always looking backwards to the past, I will not be able to see where I am going.  Worse yet, if I focus too much on the past and concentrate on it, I think my direction might change towards it.  Isn't it human nature to move in the direction you're facing?

Therefore, I will keep my focus on the goals that lie in fron of me.  Just like Lewis Robinson, I intend to "Keep moving forward".

Friday, February 10, 2012


I have heard horror stories when it comes to custody battles, and with my ex-wife, I was positive that if I ever filed to have full custody, she would do everything possible to make all of those horror stories look like a children's fairy tale in comparison.  However, do to the events over the last couple of months, I am planning on doing just that.  I will be filing for full custody.

There are still several hoops that I will have to jump through in order to even be able to file.  However, I am now confident that not only will I be able to file, but I am also confident that I will be able to win without the long drawn out process and huge battles in and out of court.  At least I hope and pray that this is the case.

I have had temporary custody of the kids for a little over a month now, and having them back in my life has been amazing.  I will admit that there are some difficulties to overcome, but I love being faced with these challenges.  I no longer get as much sleep as I used to and the house is messier, but it is not only filled with more clothes on the floor and art projects everywhere, it is also filled with more smiles, laughter and love, and I plan on doing everything I can to make sure it stays that way.

New Hotness

It may not be the same one we were originally looking at, but he seems to like it and it gets him from A to B.  There was another one that we were going to look at that I think would have been a really good deal and probably lasted a bit longer than what I expect this one will.  However, when we went to go see it, it was sold litterally five minutes before we got there.  Oh well, I guess this little Pontiac Sunfire is now officially part of our family.  Hopefully, it will be with us longer than Old and Busted was.